
91 days ago, we gave birth to Alexander Sean.  What has he been up to since?  Well, let's see...

He's been making people smile. PERIOD.  His sweet disposition, genuine smile and easy-going nature are all characteristics that make people smile.  A day doesn't go by that he leaves me with a smile.  And, by smile, I mean that cheesey, sometimes teary-eyed smile.  He's perfect in every sense of the word and the most important part of that perfection is that he is perfect for our family.  He makes us complete.  He also continues to rock his therapy--hitting his developmental milestones like a "typically" developing child.  He has some of the best therapists around whom have quickly become friends and who we know will help us help our boy reach his goals!

Recently, I posted a picture of Nora on hero day where she was dressed up like a flight nurse.  The post went viral.  I got messages from several people, but the one who stands out the most, is the message from the pediatric flight nurse's dad.  He mentioned how proud he is of his daughter and how he was glad we got to share our lives with her.  Amen.  I'm so glad for that too.  But, what stands out to me so much from Alex's birth is how many people it took to care for him, and us.  I am still left in awe at the outpouring of love our family has received.  And, it's still coming.  Today, when I answer the phone at work, or walk the halls at Carle RMH, or go to Wal-Mart, or enter the bank; I ALWAYS hear, "How's that baby boy doing?"  He's famous and a rockstar! 

In my first blog, I said many times throughout when I mentioned a specific person that they each deserved their own blogpost.  So, I'm going to try to touch on some of those individuals today.  Two who mean so much to me and who were literally the biggest rocks for Rob and me were my big sister and Dr. Padgett.  At one point, Rob and I were sitting in the NICU discussing how there were so many babies on the floor without parents with them.  We do realize we are both very fortunate in that our jobs allowed us to be away without worry, but we also realize some of those families had other young people who needed cared for.  All of a sudden one day, it hit me!  I never even asked my sister to care for the big kids.  I climbed in the car with my mom and Rob, and off we drove...leaving her with 2 more kids to care for.  And, the most frightening part to her probably was that the care was for an undetermined period of time.  However, I don't think she was frightened at all (or at least she never showed it).  She stepped into being their stand-in mom quite well.  She went to our house numerous times to check mail, get more clothes, send clothes for us and make sure things were in place.  She fed my kids, bathed my kids, and loved my kids.  She provided for them.  She did homework, helping to Nora to continue her math time test successes.  She checked in with me often, showing so much concern for Alex.  I didn't even ever ask her to do anything--she just did it and never complained.  I'm not really sure I even ever said thanks.  But, I hope she knows it--I can't ever repay her.  On the night we got home, it was really late and when texting back and forth, she said I will just bring the kids to you in the morning.  I said no, I must see them tonight.  So, what did she do...she packed them up late at night and brought them home.  And, she stayed for a bit making sure everyone was settled.  She really is amazing!!!

Dr. Padgett has been with us through a lot.  We consider him one of our dear friends and honestly enjoy our conversations with him.  Although, it takes a pregnancy to get to have those conversations! :)  He is so knowledgeable about his work and cares so much for moms and babies, it is truly amazing.  We recently assisted in a video for Carle.  They are using this video as part of their "Carle Experience" training for employees.  When Eric called me and asked if we would participate, I of course said yes.  Our experiences have all been so good at our hospital.  I'm not sure one of our deliveries have been routine, but of course, Alex's takes the cake.  Seeing Dr. Padgett in motion during a very stressful time and knowing he is there for us takes the stress away and calms me.  The respect he receives from his peers, nurses and other staff is so cool to see.  And, the way they all work as a team is reassuring.  Every time I watch this video that was created, and listen to Dr. Padgett retell the story, I get goosebumps.  And, I thank God.  I thank God for bringing Dr. Padgett into our lives.  I thank God for the wisdom he possesses and for the patience he has.  I thank God for his strength in dealing with a patient like me, all while making me feel like I was in control (we really know the truth there)! 

As you read in my first blogpost, there wasn't anything too normal or routine with how Alex came into the world.  But, we know it has been a great lesson for us to understand the importance of slowing down, letting people help and just loving your kiddos.  We are blessed beyond measure and can't wait to keep growing together as a family and a community. 
Signing off for now with a sweet smile!


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