91 days ago, we gave birth to Alexander Sean. What has he been up to since? Well, let's see... He's been making people smile. PERIOD. His sweet disposition, genuine smile and easy-going nature are all characteristics that make people smile. A day doesn't go by that he leaves me with a smile. And, by smile, I mean that cheesey, sometimes teary-eyed smile. He's perfect in every sense of the word and the most important part of that perfection is that he is perfect for our family. He makes us complete. He also continues to rock his therapy--hitting his developmental milestones like a "typically" developing child. He has some of the best therapists around whom have quickly become friends and who we know will help us help our boy reach his goals! Recently, I posted a picture of Nora on hero day where she was dressed up like a flight nurse. The post went viral. I got messages from several people, but the one who stands out t...